How to recognise decision maker?

To be efficient in your actions you have to influence decision makers. Sometimes it requires also some discussions things with influencers. And you have to avoid poseurs, who pretend to be one of first two. Recognising those posers on early stage will

Leader = Coach or Manager?


Using Technology

Lastly I’ve heard word technology (don’t mess with technique) in “unusual” context. Entrepreneur told, that there is specific technology for hiring, and whole HR itself. Other mentioned, that honesty is a technology… We’ve also talked about Theory of Constrains, and possibility to use it in different areas of business: operations/production; finance; sales… and it was… Continue reading Using Technology

Sleep vs Productivity

In a corporate world, own business and family life we would like to be as productive as possible. At the same time, we hear that sleep time is important. What is the sleep time if just not a waste of possible productive time? I’m heavy sleeper, and usually sleep 7-8 hours a day… which means… Continue reading Sleep vs Productivity

Lead vs Manage

Confusion comes from the legacy way of doing business. It was started with self-made men and companies. Leaders inspired people and become their managers in some moment… this situation led to confusion and mixing both concepts. Leader’s responsibility is to create team mission, discover goals to achieve. Effective leader brings direction (yes, Director role may… Continue reading Lead vs Manage

Values of Values

The most of activities and motivations are based on values. Values making us who we are, and differs us from others. Values generates intentions, intentions generates actions… understanding your and your company values is a critical thing. It will support your motivation and make decision making easy. I’ve tried to find my values by easy… Continue reading Values of Values

How to speak

Dialogue:– how it is to be famous?– you can get used to it, but you can’t get used to be ignored. I have many ideas, and some of them should not be ignored, so I have to check, how to communicate them, to be heard. Very nice speech: I didn’t have time to write you… Continue reading How to speak

Theory of Constraints

Last few weeks I’ve spent with Dr Eliyahu M. Goldratt. Unfortunately, not in person, as he’s not with us since 2011. His ideas of not obvious but easy and effective approach to production process changed my mind. Theory of Constraints (ToC) is applicable to many different parts of the business. I definitely recommend book: “The… Continue reading Theory of Constraints

Deciding how to decide

Leadership is not “one size fits all” exercise. Much depends on your personal approach, company culture and your or your team’s maturity. Situational leadership theory created by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in late 60’s provide good approach to leadership dependent on your team’s maturity. Unfortunately, your team is not mature on the same level facing all possible… Continue reading Deciding how to decide